Cultivate 2024 Education Sessions

Get excited for this year's education sessions!

"I Didn’t Get the Memo": Why Your Communications Strategy is Broken and How to Fix It

In today's fast-paced business environment, effective communication is paramount for success, yet many organizations struggle to bridge the gap between strategy and execution. Gain practical insights on leveraging communication for tangible results and reimagining strategies through resource utilization and challenging outdated practices. Take away an understanding of the pitfalls of traditional communication strategies, integrating the human element for engagement, and developing measurable objectives to bridge strategy with execution.


Erica White
SVP of Technology & Strategic Initiatives
Article Student Living

Jacklyn Arnest
SVP of Marketing and Communications
Article Student Living

Elevate Your Spreadsheet: Transitioning Underwriting To Achievable NOI

Advance your underwriting skills through techniques and methods that translate into operational realizations. Learn to add the "people" element to your underwriting so that the numbers on a spreadsheet can drive powerful NOI. Leverage your resources, utilize market data, and challenge the underwriting of multifamily’ s past by re-learning how to assemble objectives on paper that can become a reality onsite. Learn how to elevate common underwriting practices by adding straightforward factors that are effective, strategic, and measurable.


Ivana Christman
Managing Principal & President
Quest Management Group

Allison Moledo
Vice President Learning & Development
Grand Peaks

Ari Abramson
Vice President, Acquisitions
Continental Realty Corporation

Unveiling Hidden Talent: Navigating Talent Identification and Development

In today's ever-evolving business landscape, the ability to uncover and nurture talent within your organization is more crucial than ever.  Discover how to recognize and value the untapped talent within your organization, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and growth. Learn to develop potential leaders, ensuring every team member feels valued for their experience and seen as vital for the organization's future success. Walk away with tools to create a sustainable talent pipeline, enhance team performance, and secure the organization’s competitive edge in the marketplace. 


Wendy Dorchester, CAPS
Chief Operating Officer
Lake City Equity

Ishea Shepherd
Assistant Vice President
AMC Delancey Group (Moderator)

Ricardo Alicea
Managing Director
Wendover Housing Partners

Jonakan O’Steen
CEO, Executive Consultant
Jonakan O’Steen Consulting

Leadership Reset: Harnessing Collaborative Strategies to Exceed Team Member, Resident and Owner Expectations

How do we align stakeholder (team members, owners and residents) expectations, fostering trust and tackling root causes of organizational friction? Gain insights into bridging the gap between crisis and collaboration and elevate both internal and external customer experiences. Master the art of proactive problem-solving and drive transformative results in your organization by navigating the intersections of talent, operations and market realities.


Jamin Harkness, CAM, CAPS
Senior Vice President
Asset Living

Christy Rodriguez, CAPS
Director of Multifamily Properties
Judwin Properties

Blameless Autopsy: Find What’s Killing Your Organization and Revenue Without Naming a Defendant 

Status quo is killing your cash flow and your people. To drive revenue growth, it's imperative to foster a culture centered on growth, innovation and solutions-oriented outcomes. Identify miscalculations and lessons learned without creating blame culture. Fear of blame for errors stifles risk-taking, collaboration and transformation—crucial elements for advancing your company's strategy and future success. Embracing mistakes as critical learning steps rather than setbacks transforms these experiences from costs into investments, ensuring a dynamic pathway to growth and revenue enhancement.


Jonakan O’Steen
CEO, Executive Consultant
Jonakan O’Steen Consulting

Wendy Dorchester, CAPS
Chief Operating Officer
Lake City Equity

Kara Rice
VP, Education
Swift Bunny

Untapped Potential: Elevating Maintenance Service for Industry Success

As executives, it is easy to overlook the value of maintenance, but the multifamily industry is facing two critical challenges: a declining number of professionals entering trade industries and an overall lack of recognition for the importance of maintenance in the asset performance. Learn to dispel these misconceptions and spotlight the indispensable role of service teams in bolstering property performance and elevating the multifamily sector as a desirable career choice. Walk away with tools to bring new talent into the field and build bench strength with current maintenance team members. Raise the value of your real estate by investing in strong service personnel.


Karen Key
Division President
Asset Living

Kevin Hankins
VP of Maintenance

Chris Caramanica
Director of Facilities
Winn Companies
CAMT Advisory Board Member

Lisa Russo
Talent Acquisition Manager
Asset Living

Beyond the First Step: Integrating Inclusion into Organizational DNA

Dive into the critical shift from diversity to inclusion, emphasizing the imperative to embed equity into the fabric of your organization. While hiring diverse talent is undoubtedly crucial, true progress demands an intentional commitment to fostering inclusion and equity across all operational aspects. Learn to define inclusion not merely as a representation of diverse voices, but as the active creation of environments where every individual feels respected, valued and a sense of belonging. Recognizing that microaggressions often undermine inclusion efforts, gain a comprehensive understanding of what they entail and how they manifest in workplace dynamics. Dissect various biases, including unconscious biases, shedding light on how to cultivate awareness and mitigate impact on decision-making processes.


Dana Duckworth
DEI Consultant, Culture & Engagement Strategist
Speak Up Dana

Karen Key
Division President
Asset Living

Dana Hill
Senior Director of Engagement
RangeWater Real Estate

Your Culture is Gaslighting: How to Build a Contagious Culture That Creates Authentic Belonging 

The heartbeat of success is embedded in the culture we cultivate within our organization. Examine the art of creating a contagious company culture that resonates authentically from the corporate office down to the property level. Unravel key components that make a company culture not just memorable but contagious, spreading like wildfire through your organization. Discover strategic insights and actionable steps to foster a sense of authentic belonging, fostering a workplace environment where every team member feels valued, heard, interconnected and an integral part of the success story.


Ricardo Alicea
Managing Director
Wendover Housing Partners

Jeremy Milton
Vice President of Property Management
West Shore

Tracy Bowers
Managing Partner
Gallery Residential 

Jared Miller
Bayshore Properties

Future Proof to Future Proven: Designing the Organization of Tomorrow

To thrive in today's complex and ever-evolving business landscape, organizations must future-proof themselves. Simply outperforming the competition is no longer sufficient. Residents, employees and clients now seek a deeper and more meaningful impact from their interactions with multifamily companies.

Come discover actionable ideas to help reimagine your organization to effectively meet the demands of the present and the future.


Stephen Fretwell
Senior VP, Learning & Leadership

Jennifer Staciokas
Western Wealth Communities

Mental Health in a Bad News Cycle

The ability to navigate and communicate bad news effectively is essential for organizational resilience. Explore 5five key strategies to deliver difficult news while prioritizing mental wellbeing. Through practical guidance and real-life scenarios, discover techniques to safeguard mental health amidst challenging situations. From understanding the impact of bad news cycles to implementing self-care practices, walk away empowered to navigate difficult conversations with resilience and empathy.


Kate Good
Partner, SVP of Multifamily Development & Operations
Hunington Properties, Inc.

Amy Wise
Managing Partner
The Bella Group

Erica White
SVP of Technology & Strategic Initiatives
Article Student Living

Alexandra Jackiw, CPM, CAPS, C3P
Chief Operating Officer
Hayes Gibson Property Services

From Boomer to Zoomer - Crossing the Generational Divide

Dive into the rich landscape of generational dynamics! Tap into the invaluable wisdom of Baby Boomers while embracing the cutting-edge innovation of Gen Z and walk away with actionable insights. Fostering empathy and mutual respect, focus on the experiences of four of the five generations currently in the workplace to uncover a path to a cohesive, generational collaboration. Create a deeper understanding of the unique qualities that drive each generation and discover how to create constructive collaboration across the generational spectrum in both the workplaces and communities we serve.


Marci French
VP of Asset Management
HRG Asset Management

Alan King
Berkshire Communities
(Baby Boomer)

Kim Hurd
EVP of Property Management
KCG Companies, LLC
(Gen X)

Ishea Shepherd
Assistant Vice President
AMC Delancey Group

Elisha Carter
Leasing Consultant
Rentyl Apartments & Homes
(Gen Z)