The apartment industry houses one-third of the American population, so you might think that would make our onsite staff experts on building community. After all, they’re on the front lines of American families, and in many ways know their residents…
Although cities experienced a resurgence of population and apartment demand growth immediately following the recession, suburbs have regained popularity according to migration, occupancy and rent growth trends.For years, we’ve heard about the mass…
Among the nation’s top apartment markets, cost increases for some construction materials, combined with a construction labor shortage, are placing hiring and development pressures on industry firms.It’s conference season! And I did my part by…
When I was a student and asked my godmother for career advice, she shared her love of helping people find the perfect home. “The most important thing is to find what makes you happy,” she told me. “There are only a few things you need in life,…
As spring nears and residents start to head outside to enjoy the season, be wary of pests that want to travel inside. Spring is the perfect time for updating landscaping, renewing a sanitation routine and incorporating integrated pest management (…
Had a great week in D.C. with the NAA Capital Conference and Lobby Day on Capitol Hill. Lobby Day was particularly productive this year. With in-office meetings with one Senator and four House of Representatives and/or their Legislative Staffs, we…
It is an honor that we citizens can impact government, lawmaking and regulations in this country. I am always awed when I take advantage of this right and opportunity to express my opinions to our leaders on issues that impact our industry. Beyond…
I started my first job in the restaurant industry as a bus boy, and eventually transitioned into serving. It was definitely a fast-paced work environment, and I never left without breaking a sweat. I always cared more about providing great service…
There are two underlying political motivations for rent regulation: the first is a genuine, however misguided, attempt to preserve affordable rental housing opportunities; the other is an egregious attempt to stop affordable rental housing – a…