When onsite conflicts arise between members of different generations, a proactive community manager can help bring people together.The new community in the District of Columbia is what you imagine when you think of the slick, urban apartments that…
Focusing on things like smell and sound can help an apartment community delight prospects.Pinnacle is going a step further than implementing online leasing and mobile door access in its apartments. It is adopting the sensory experience often found…
Whether it is in technology implementation, access control or turns, many apartment firms have found inspiration in the hospitality sector.For what feels like decades now, it seems apartment executives have been chasing hotels.It’s easy to…
In our second installment of “Profiles in Success,” a series where NAA talks to successful apartment professionals to learn how they got where they are, who inspired them and what their biggest challenge was, we visit a Director of Real Estate from…
The National Apartment Association (NAA) is conducting its annual survey regarding corporate social responsibility (CSR). As a rental housing industry stakeholder, we invite you to take five minutes to share the initiatives taken by your company…
After Saturday’s Awards Breakfast at Apartmentalize two busloads of attendees spent time serving food, making arts and crafts and staffing various games to show the industry’s appreciation of military spouses and their families. The event gave…
WRH Realty partnered with Steve Hughes, a disabled veteran, who rode from San Diego to Jacksonville, Florida to raise money for veterans with PTSD and Air Force widows. While WRH waited for Hughes to arrive it continued to pay it forward by…
With timed and functional gates; security cameras within corridors, garages, and in outdoor spaces, you can help residents feel safe. But those are not the only things an apartment operator can do.Safety is among the five essential human needs…
When there is underperformance, a union between marketing and pricing can help diagnose issues. But that is not the only reason to pull these two functions together.In classic marketing theory, pricing is one of “the 4 Ps” along with product,…
For many by 2025 [and clearly for everyone by 2030] the nearly 100-year old title of “Property Manager” will be replaced by titles far more reflective of the role, span of operational and “total asset experience” control, level of expertise,…