Onsite staff are not equipped to police or determine the validity of residents’ immigration paperwork.Immigration is a subject that lately has generated significant debate at the federal level. As efforts to regulate immigration in Congress continue…
If apartment marketers are looking for improvement in 2019, artificial intelligence and email re-marketing are two good places to start. Find out what the others are.It has been a while since I ran a marketing team for an apartment operator. However…
As we enter another year, people are on the mind of many apartment executives. Find out how they want to engage with associates and residents.As the calendar turns to 2019, the job market is tight. Unemployment hovers at just below 4 percent…
If managers follow these four tips, owners say they would improve their NOI. And, yes, one of the pieces of advice revolves around money.In November, we looked at the owner-manager relationship from the manager’s perspective. We found that managers…
A ruddy face frames keen blue eyes. Behind the stacks of legal briefs, illuminated by one soft lamp, one could be forgiven for envisioning a medieval duke standing on his battlements. Though John McDermott is fortified in Arlington, as he leans back…
The issue of “drive-by” lawsuits pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is widely acknowledged in the legal community. Another closely-related issue, however, is on the rise in courts nationwide: Website-oriented accessibility…
Download this page as a PDF Disclaimer: The materials and information referenced in this document are provided for general and informational purposes only. They are not offered as, and do not constitute, legal advice or legal opinions. Purpose…
Corporate Social Responsibility, or CSR, is generally a term applied to the initiatives taken by a company’s effects on environmental and social wellbeing. Benefits include better brand recognition, positive business reputation, increased sales and…
In an era when management companies and developers are going all out to woo residents and prospects with chic and fancy amenities, online reviews reveal that the most fundamental and singular factor that impresses them is exceptional customer…
Ten years ago, the Great Recession walloped almost every sector of the economy. According to the U.S. National Bureau of Economic Research, which officially tracks the country’s recessions, it started in December 2007 and ended in June 2009, lasting…