In recent days, several key banking regulators approved a long-awaited Final Rule that would allow lenders to accept private flood insurance policies so long as a policy is “at least as broad” as a standard NFIP policy. The multifamily…
With some observers predicting an improving vacancy environment this spring, it is a good time for onsite teams to think about how they’re using technology and old-fashioned grassroots marketing.Days are getting longer… and as temperatures climb…
Leasing to spouses who are separated requires a special touch.Conversations with prospective residents often reveal a brief glimpse into their realities and what brings them to the market for an apartment home. Some scenarios are celebratory, such…
When it comes to apartment communities, online reviews run the gamut.“Management—beyond words to describe how bad. They have attitude about everything. They delay, ignore and make excuses when it comes to addressing any problem. The building is in a…
In our fifth installment of “Profiles in Success,” a series where NAA talks to successful apartment professionals to learn how they got to where they are, who inspired them and what their biggest challenge was, we visit with NAA's Legislative…
When operators choose smart-home amenities, they need to distinguish between “must-haves” and “like-to-haves.” Find out how they make those decisions.Throughout residential real estate, developers, renovators, and operators are grappling with…
Move ins are always stressful but by following some important steps, you can make it easier.It is never to early to start planning for next year's turn.In fact, Amanda Livesay, Portfolio Supervisor at The Quarters on Campus, said at CampusConnex in…
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), announced changes to the advance notice they provide to public housing authorities and private owners of HUD-subsidized properties on February 20. Currently, the Real Estate…
If you already feel that today’s work environment has been turned on its head, this is only a fraction of what’s coming your way. By 2030, 75% of the U.S. workforce will be comprised of Millennials. From trendy skinny jeans to matcha green lattes…
NAA and NMHC have filed comments with the Department of Energy (DOE) in support of a petition seeking the withdrawal of a final rule on efficiency standards for non-weatherized residential gas furnaces. In the course of a several yearlong…