Leasing may return to normal this year, but a lot depends on the vaccine.Just as spring leasing season was about to heat up last year, the world stopped. COVID-19 fears closed businesses, stores, restaurants and, yes, leasing offices around the…
Apartment industry career development adapts and moves on amid the pandemic.Needing to attract, train and retain the people who keep the multifamily housing industry in business is as important as ever in this rapidly changing world. As the…
Many multifamily housing companies already had emerging technology in place before the pandemic hit.Video conferencing, virtual tours and customer relationship management (CRM) systems were already in place a year ago at many multifamily communities…
Securing apartment community networks involves more than just phishing tests.As onsite processes become increasingly digital, multifamily housing organizations have focused more and more on cybersecurity in recent years. Companies are taking…
With so much resident and prospect information collected by operators, it’s critical to understand and comply with the laws regulating data privacy.Apartment operators collect volumes of personal information from residents and applicants alike. If…
Collecting lots of data is one thing. Understanding it is entirely another.More than ever, the rental housing industry understands the value of data-driven decisions. The industry has done a commendable job of collecting the data—particularly in the…
Amid the specter of COVID-19, a variety of technology is being applied to reduce operating costs while improving resident health and wellness.The rental housing industry has rarely been accused of being quick to embrace technology, but that was…
Q: What is the normal time frame for a one- or two-bedroom make-ready? I have always heard the three-day rule to turn an apartment, but mine seem to be on the three-week rule! How can I tighten up the process?A: The “three-day rule” is a nice goal…
Have a hiring or promotion announcement? Please send them to [email protected]. Heather Sizemore, CAPS  •  Senior Vice President  •  Campus First  •  Atlanta CF Real Estate Services (CF) has named Heather Sizemore,…
If there is a single, absolute truth about residential property management (RPM), it would be that the only certainty is change. Many factors influence change in our industry—some within our control and some as a response to outside influences.As…