Apartment Advocate

NAA Government Affairs’ bi-monthly publication combines all aspects of apartment industry advocacy into one go-to resource. The Apartment Advocate highlights key developments and viewpoints in industry public policy at all levels of government, and helps NAA members explore advocacy pathways.

Eviction Prevention Focus of White House Summit

By Sam Gilboard | | Updated

Earlier this month, the White House and the United States Department of the Treasury hosted the White House Summit on Building Lasting Eviction Prevention Reform. The White House invited federal, state and local policymakers, as well as community advocates, to share feedback on strategies for…

Senate Holds Hearing on Housing Market Impacts

By Greg Brown | | Updated

On August 2, 2022, the Senate Banking Committee held a hearing entitled, “‘The Rent Eats First’: How Renters and Communities are Impacted by Today’s Housing Market.” While the focus of the hearing was on challenges for renters, the housing provider perspective was also heard from National Apartment…

Industry Win: Carried Interest Provision Eliminated from Senate Bill

| Updated

August 9, 2022 Update: Senate Democrats were able to pass their budget reconciliation package – the Inflation Reduction Act – after securing the support of Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ). The Senator agreed to support the bill after receiving several concessions, including the elimination of the…

Rising Rent Solutions

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The cost of living is increasing, and inflation continues at 40-year highs. National Apartment Association President and CEO Bob Pinnegar reviews some of the factors impacting rent prices and several solutions to stabilize housing costs in his latest column for the Washington Post, “What’s behind…

Affordability to Take Center Stage at GART

By Ben Harrold | | Updated

On August 1-5, 2022, the National Apartment Association (NAA) will welcome its affiliate network to Louisville, KY for the 2022 Affiliate Conference. The conference will kick off with the annual Government Affairs Roundtable (GART) which will feature unique insight from policymakers, advocacy…

NAA Shares Feedback with White House on Renters’ Bill of Rights

By Nicole Upano | | Updated

As part of the National Apartment Association’s (NAA) ongoing advocacy and engagement with the Biden Administration, NAA’s President and CEO, Bob Pinnegar, participated in the White House Housing Provider Listening Session on May 31, 2022. The White House invited stakeholders to share feedback on…

NAA Responds to Comprehensive Data Privacy and Protection Legislation

By Maria Spencer | | Updated

Several weeks ago, a bipartisan and bicameral group of Members of Congress introduced legislation to address a comprehensive privacy law. The American Data Privacy and Protection Act (ADPPA), H.R. 8152, would create certain data privacy rights for consumers and add privacy by design and data…

Senate Banking Discusses National Flood Insurance Program

By Maria Spencer | | Updated

The Senate Banking Committee discussed the reauthorization of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) during two hearings earlier this month.  The first hearing focused on protecting communities from flood risk. Stakeholders discussed how the NFIP helps manage and mitigate flood risk, the…

NAA Supports FY2023 Appropriations that Expand Multifamily

By Maria Spencer | | Updated

Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23) appropriations are in full swing. The House has already quickly passed its proposals out of the subcommittee and full committee including the spending bill which includes funding for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). For 2023, the committee…

New CFPB Rule Backs Tougher Screening Restrictions

By Sam Gilboard | | Updated

On June 28, 2022, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) released an interpretive rule affirming the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act’s (FCRA) limited preemption authority of state laws. In the ruling, the CFPB reminds states of their “substantial flexibility to pass laws involving…