The National Apartment Association (NAA) is pleased to provide comments to the White House Council on Eliminating Regulatory Barriers to Affordable Housing, and we encourage members and affiliates to submit comments on the unique, local challenges…
On January 14, the Massachusetts Joint Committee on Housing held a hearing on H. 3924, a bill that would enable municipalities to implement rent control and other restrictions on property owners. On behalf of NAA’s affiliate, the Greater Boston…
Source of income legislation remains a top priority for legislators across the country, with more than 14 states and 85 localities enacting protections for voucher holders in their fair housing law. The Virginia legislature is the latest state to…
Maintenance is often overlooked as the area that may drastically affect your organization’s revenue and impact NOI, but simply cutting budgets and spending as little as possible isn’t the best strategy for success. Instead, you need to optimize your…
The new year ushered in heightened focus on housing policy in the nation's capital. The administration is focusing its attention on eliminating barriers to affordable housing development, and Members of Congress are doing their part to…
The Evergreen state is the latest in a growing list to put forward a proposal for statewide rent control. The bill closely resembles California's version of rent control, albeit with the key difference being the repeal of local rent control…
Brought to you by:An uncertain global economy dogged by several headwinds, geopolitical disquiet in a variety of hotspots around the globe, and jittery financial markets in 2019 are a combination of factors that have set the stage for the new year.…
On January 28, 2020, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released new guidance to clarify the responsibilities of both rental housing providers and renters concerning reasonable accommodation requests for emotional…
In San Francisco, there are a number of obstacles to housing production.San Francisco's housing shortage problem is much larger than market-rate housing, reports Bisnow's Dean Boerner."S.F. has about 30 colleges and universities and not nearly…
In our next installment of Profiles in Success, a series where NAA talks to successful apartment professionals to learn how they got to where they are, we visit with an SVP of Strategic Initiatives who has been involved in many of their technology…