As spring nears and residents start to head outside to enjoy the season, be wary of pests that want to travel inside. Spring is the perfect time for updating landscaping, renewing a sanitation routine and incorporating integrated pest management (…
Had a great week in D.C. with the NAA Capital Conference and Lobby Day on Capitol Hill. Lobby Day was particularly productive this year. With in-office meetings with one Senator and four House of Representatives and/or their Legislative Staffs, we…
It is an honor that we citizens can impact government, lawmaking and regulations in this country. I am always awed when I take advantage of this right and opportunity to express my opinions to our leaders on issues that impact our industry. Beyond…
I started my first job in the restaurant industry as a bus boy, and eventually transitioned into serving. It was definitely a fast-paced work environment, and I never left without breaking a sweat. I always cared more about providing great service…
There are two underlying political motivations for rent regulation: the first is a genuine, however misguided, attempt to preserve affordable rental housing opportunities; the other is an egregious attempt to stop affordable rental housing – a…
The U.S. Supreme Court decided to uphold disparate impact liability under the Fair Housing Act, a legal theory that prohibits neutrally-applied practices with a disproportionate impact on minority groups protected by the law, even without…
Having maintenance technicians participate in move-in tours makes residents’ lives easier and communities safer. During an emergency situation is hardly the time for a resident to learn how to use the fire extinguisher or shut off the water valve…
As a property manager and new president of our local apartment association, I was excited and nervous when the subject of the Capitol Conference came up. I was excited for many reasons. Who would not want to go to Washington D.C.? Let’s face it, it’…