There’s a difference between problem residents and resident problems. Apartment community staff members should know the difference and be able to respond accordingly. Apartment community management is one of the most people-intensive jobs in the…
How to develop an award-winning team that can execute quality programs to help satisfy and retain apartment-community residents.  Great programs can help retain great residents and create the community environment many apartment managers and…
To help improve apartment communities, get residents to open up about their concerns. In order to open communication with residents and create a better apartment community, property managers should develop a feedback system that encourages all…
5 budget-savvy landscaping tips from Post Properties’ Landscaping Master Jim Davis.  Spring is here — and, along with it, the busy season for apartment leasing. You could have the best apartment-home units, amenities and rent deals in the…
Make sure your residents know what to do if a tornado is about to strike. Tornado season is winding down, but it’s a good time to take stock: Was your apartment community as prepared as it should have been?  Here are the essentials…
Preventative maintenance (PM) is one of those topics that continue to vex all levels of onsite personnel. While many see the benefit and can prove the financial need to perform these tasks, quite frequently they are delayed beyond recommended…
The apartment industry houses one-third of the American population, so you might think that would make our onsite staff experts on building community. After all, they’re on the front lines of American families, and in many ways know their residents…
When I was a student and asked my godmother for career advice, she shared her love of helping people find the perfect home. “The most important thing is to find what makes you happy,” she told me. “There are only a few things you need in life,…
As spring nears and residents start to head outside to enjoy the season, be wary of pests that want to travel inside. Spring is the perfect time for updating landscaping, renewing a sanitation routine and incorporating integrated pest management (…
Had a great week in D.C. with the NAA Capital Conference and Lobby Day on Capitol Hill. Lobby Day was particularly productive this year. With in-office meetings with one Senator and four House of Representatives and/or their Legislative Staffs, we…