To find the right providers, IROs have to research and figure out how big they want their businesses to become.When he was a Regional Vice President at Lincoln Property Co., John Ridgway was accustomed to fixing any software issue by simply picking…
With potential threats to profitability on the horizon, managers turn to technology and take a closer look at client selection.Rents have been rising nationally on a consistent basis since 2010. For rental housing fee-management companies, those…
Industry’s Only Maintenance & Operations Management Software NAA Click & Comply is NAA’s newest solution that allows property management companies to consolidate processes and systems into one place for ease of use and transparency…
In October of 2017, a proposed ballot initiative entitled the “Affordable Housing Act for the California November 2018 Ballot” was submitted to the California Attorney General’s Office. In addition to repealing the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act…
To get ahead some property managers must know when to walk away.Flat rental markets can provide fertile ground for pricing wars between owners and management companies during the selection process.“With flat rents, everybody is throwing out one…
Apartment managers need to be on top of the latest social media trends, but face-to-face interaction is still important.Being in the student housing business often means you are in the emerging technology business. College-aged students are the…
In ancient Greek mythology, there was a creature known as the Hydra that lived near Lake Lerna in Greece. This beast was known for having regenerative properties, which allowed it to regrow two heads for each one that was cut off. This myth…
Building a relationship with residents is one way to increase renewals, but it is not the only step apartment should take.I’d like to take a moment and focus on a part of our business that has always received less attention than I believe it should…
Fraudulent applications are a growing. Find out what warning signs and implementing tech tools that can help diagnose fraudulent activity on applications.The hard reality is that some apartment prospects will never pass a background check. But that…
A lack of clarity in the federal law governing reasonable accommodation requests for assistance animals (covering both service animals and emotional support animals) creates a loophole for bad actors to abuse the system. The most common cases of…