In response to affiliate requests NAAPAC developed an Affiliate Executive Resource Guide that answers pertinent questions on the Fund Our Future and Money for Use programs, FEC solicitation guidelines including Prior Approval, an explanation of…
Surgeon General’s Warning: there is no exact science in search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM).That said, April 21, 2015, was a standout date for marketers around the country. Dubbed “Mobilegeddon,” it was the day Google…
Apartment owners and property managers continue to respond to a variety of strategies and situations related to Airbnb guests in their communiites.Airbnb for the first time in November publicly revealed the details of how it plans to make its home-…
Water damage is responsible for some of the most costly repairs property managers can face, but often it can be prevented. Here are common indoor and outdoor threats and measures to help minimize risk and prevent water damage.Water heaters. A…
Q: How do I get rid of mice or rats in my apartment?Answer: If you want to rid them yourself, keep in mind that rats and mice are smart and conservative. They are not risk-takers. In the rat or mouse’s mind, a trap out in the middle of the floor is…
NAA staff and board members traveled around the globe in 2015 as part of the association’s Global Outreach Committee, recognizing one common thread along the way: The need to help the industry respond to the evolving global economy.Beginning in…
NAME: Logan JohnsonTITLE: Regional Manager, Chicagoland, Northwest Indiana and Southern Wisconsin RegionCOMPANY: Axiom PropertiesYEARS IN THE INDUSTRY: 8units: You grew up in the industry, working at your Dad’s community. What attracted you to it?…
1. Shot of Energy.I hear ideas from attendees and speakers that reenergize, rejuvenate and refocus me. The studenthousing sales cycle can be grueling. Come February—the cycle’s half-way point—my internal engine typically is running on empty. But…
Selling "eco-friendly" benefits for a healthier lifestyle began more than 10 years ago. The Shelton Group, which has studied the marketing angle to sustainability, conducted a nationwide survey with 2,007 consumers in April 2015 and results range…
How to train today's diverse workforce effectively.Today's workforce is as diverse as the communities we manage and the residents we serve. When it comes to managing the property and taking care of the residents, we customize our approach to fit the…