Key Month For Lease-Ups: The Numbers In May

1 minute read

May was an important month for apartment properties in the lease-up stage of development, as absorption of new units in many major U.S. markets increased significantly from April. 

May's absorption rate also surpassed the 12-month average in most of these markets.

In this analysis, Axiometrics defines absorption in a market as the average number of units filled in a month at newly built properties that have not reached stabilized occupancy of 90 percent.

The table lists lease-up performance for several of Axiometrics' top 50 apartment markets.

Metro     Lease-Ups Units in Lease-Up May Absorption   April Absorption   12-Month Average  May vs. 12-Month
Anaheim    9 3,749 46 34  23 23
Tampa   12 3,655 31   15  22 9
Dallas  50 16,045 27 18    19 8
Chicago  20  5,193  24   19  18 6
Los Angeles  24 6,729  24  17   19 5
Seattle 31 5,792 19  13  16  3
Houston 58 17,329 20 11  17 3
Atlanta   29 7,925 20 12 17 3
Washington  52  14,015   18  13 16 2
Boston   23 5,952 17 15 15  2
Austin 35 9,979  18 10 16  2
Baltimore 11 2,390 11  12  -1
Orlando  19  5,248   16  13 19 -3
San Francisco 5 1,117  13   18  18 -5
New York  14  2,482 10 15 -9

Absorportion figures are units per property per month. Source: Axiometrics, Inc.