Stay Ready! Rental Housing’s Disaster Preparedness Kit

With the rental housing industry’s growth, the need to create and fortify disaster management strategies that counter the weather forecast becomes paramount. Generators and insurance policies protect you, your residents and your bottom line when the unimaginable strikes. Join Vice President, Nathan Normoyle as we explore past disaster management experiences, current risk factors to your apartment community and ways to minimize damage through drills, routine maintenance, evacuation plans and more. Like the scouts, if you stay ready, you never have to get ready.

Date and Time: Wednesday, November 16 at 2 p.m. ET
Price: Free 

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About the Host

nathan normoyle

Nathan Normoyle

Nathan Normoyle, Vice President of Global Operations at ARS Global Emergency Management, brings over 17 years of experience in emergency and disaster management to the table. Having started his career as an operator for a local disaster mitigation company, his passion for learning about disaster management knows no bounds. Currently, Nathan works with international organizations on their emergency preparedness and planning, as well as coordinating and leading emergency responses to over thirteen catastrophic events in five countries.