Apartment Advocate

NAA Government Affairs’ bi-monthly publication combines all aspects of apartment industry advocacy into one go-to resource. The Apartment Advocate highlights key developments and viewpoints in industry public policy at all levels of government, and helps NAA members explore advocacy pathways.

New Jersey Resident Screening Bill Would Seal Eviction Records

By Ben Harrold | | Updated

A New Jersey bill aims to seal court actions between housing providers and residents, as well as prevent housing providers from evaluating eviction or rental history in the screening process. S1665 would create a complicated process of keeping all eviction court records, including the filings,…

HUD Urges Housing Providers Not to Use Criminal Records in Screening

By Nicole Upano | | Updated

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has issued a memorandum to HUD-funded organizations that perform testing and investigate potential fair housing violations (also known as “FHIPs”) and HUD-funded government agencies that adjudicate fair housing complaints (also known as “…

Rent Control Fight Reaches New Mexico

By Ben Harrold | | Updated

An advocacy group in Albuquerque, N.M, is pushing to control rents in their city. However, because New Mexico prohibits local jurisdictions from adopting rent control, their attention is currently focused on removing barriers in state law. A 2019 study funded by the City of Albuquerque found that…

Navigating the Ins and Outs of Data Privacy

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New state-level data privacy laws in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Utah and Virginia go into effect in 2023. These changes will have a direct impact on companies in the multifamily housing space. To inform members of these upcoming changes, NAA’s Legal Affairs team hosted “Navigating the Ins…

Updates on the Biden Administration’s Housing Supply Action Plan

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On Friday October 7, 2022, the Biden Administration announced its progress toward the implementation of the Housing Supply Action Plan previously announced earlier this year. The plan outlined goals aimed at closing the housing supply shortfall in five years, beginning with the creation and…

There’s No Place Like Home

By Austin O’Boyle | | Updated

According to a survey done by the Congressional Management Foundation (CMF), “The Future of Citizen Engagement: What Americans Want from Congress & How Members Can Build Trust,” 95% of Members of Congress polled rate “staying in touch with constituents” as the job aspect most critical to their…

WSJ Editorial Board Criticizes St. Paul Rent Control, Again

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The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board comments on St. Paul rent control failures.The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board didn’t hold back in its latest commentary about rent control in St. Paul, Minn., calling rent control “among the dumbest policies known to man.”The opinion piece comes after…

Los Angeles Eviction Moratorium to Expire

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On October 4, 2022, the Los Angeles City Council unanimously voted on a package of committee recommendations that will allow the city’s long-running eviction moratorium to expire on January 31, 2023. The City Council directed the City Attorney to make amendments to local code that will provide a…

New York Supreme Court Approves Class Action Against Manhattan Property Owners

By Mark Russell | | Updated

In August 2022, the Supreme Court of New York granted a motion for class certification to past and present residents in 11 Manhattan apartment buildings. In her order, Justice Sabrina Kraus certified the class, allowing residents to move forward with a class action lawsuit against property…

Rent Control Walked Back in St. Paul

By Ben Harrold | | Updated

On September 21, 2022, the St. Paul, Minn. City Council voted to make significant amendments to the city’s draconian rent control ordinance. This is welcome news given that the city’s rent control policy was unprecedented in its inflexibility, capping rent increases at 3 percent annually with…