Apartment Advocate

NAA Government Affairs’ bi-monthly publication combines all aspects of apartment industry advocacy into one go-to resource. The Apartment Advocate highlights key developments and viewpoints in industry public policy at all levels of government, and helps NAA members explore advocacy pathways.

Bill Restricting Owner Rights Defeated in California

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Industry advocacy efforts help to block a bill restricting owner rights. Thanks to industry advocacy efforts, including those from NAA local affiliates, AB 854, a bill aimed at taking away the rights of owners in the rental housing industry, has been defeated in California. Assemblyman Alex Lee…

White House Stresses Local Action on Housing Supply

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The Administration seeks to expand development of accessory dwelling units (ADUs). Learn more. On February 1, the White House hosted the virtual event “Making it Easier to Build Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs).” This webinar was one in a series focused on actions to increase housing supply,…

Four Ways Lawmakers are Trying to Fill the Vacuum Left by Deflated Eviction Moratoria

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Keep an eye out for these policies in 2022. State and local lawmakers are working quickly to introduce legislation that they believe will stave off a pending “eviction tsunami” – a prediction that has yet to materialize. While well-intentioned, the proposed solutions vary in the adverse impact…

Federally Assisted Units Must Comply with New Carbon Monoxide Rule

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On Dec. 27, 2022, a new carbon monoxide detector requirement went into effect for multifamily properties that receive assistance from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).  HUD posted a notice about the carbon monoxide (CO) alarm or detector requirements on Jan. 31, 2022…

FCC Prepares to Rule on Broadband

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Here are the agency’s three anticipated actions and why they matter. The National Apartment Association (NAA) recently participated in a coalition effort to provide comment on the latest Federal Communications Commission (FCC) decision to refresh the federal government’s understanding of broadband…

The Perfect Advocate is You in 2022

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It’s more important than ever to build relationships with lawmakers – here’s why you should. At the start of the pandemic, associations around the country sent millions of communications to Congress in search of emergency funding to help their members. With trillions in relief funds distributed and…

“Good Cause” Eviction Bill Introduced in New York

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Proposed legislation in New York state seeks to curb property rights and enact a statewide rent cap. New York state is part of a growing number of states and localities looking to unfavorable housing policies, undoubtedly spurred in part by the pandemic’s lingering harm to housing affordability.…

New HUD Legal Services Grant Recipients Announced

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HUD’s announcement comes as Right to Counsel flourishes. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recently awarded $20 million in grant funding to help protect low-income renters facing eviction. The funding, allocated under HUD’s Eviction Protection Grant (EPG) program, will…

White House Seeks Partners to House International Allies

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NAA has stepped up to partner in this critical effort. Learn more. In an effort to resettle nearly 70,000 Afghan refugees who aided the United States over the past two decades, the Biden Administration has launched Operation Allies Welcome. The National Apartment Association (NAA) has stepped up to…

EPA Maintains Lead Paint Certification Rule Change

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The EPA’s policy change takes effect March 21. Here are the key details. On January 21, 2022, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) affirmed new certification requirements for property management companies (PMCs) under the lead-based paint renovation, repair, and painting (RRP) rule for all…