Click & Lease Cancellation Request

Are you sure you want to cancel? Our Business Development team is here to help. Contact us by phone at (833) 866-9622 or by email so that we can discuss your account management needs.

  • Discover how to transfer the responsibility of your Click & Lease subscription to another management company by contacting our Client Solutions Center at (833) 866-9622 or email [email protected].  
  • Having trouble finding the answers to a question about Click & Lease? Try visiting our FAQ’s.
  • Learn how you may be able to customize your forms by contacting our Client Solutions Center at (833) 866-9622 or email [email protected].

You matter to us

If you still want to cancel, please complete the cancellation request below. At the members request, account closure will take place within 24 hours of the effective date. A cancellation should not be requested if a request for an account transfer is anticipated. If this is a future cancellation, you can rescind the cancellation 24 business hours prior to the effective date by contacting NAA at (833) 866-9622. NAA’s hours of operation are Monday-Friday from 8:30am-6:00pm ET. If you cancel on a holiday, we’ll take care of it the next regular business day.

Please note that closed accounts cannot be reopened for any reason and all closures are final. Once an account is closed if the member property desires to use the Click and Lease program a new order must be placed. Current pricing information is available here.

Is this a new request or change to an existing request to cancel? *
Is this a bundled property? (A bundled account has multiple properties using the same Blue Moon lease ID)

Your Contact Information