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Company Awards


The Company Awards recognize and celebrate organizations for their significant contributions to their staff, local community and the rental housing industry as a whole.

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Category Information

Excellence in Corporate Service Responsibility 

The #NAAGives Award recognizes a management company member that is dedicated to making a difference through Corporate Service Responsibility (CSR) initiatives. Through charitable giving, volunteer programs and company community service policies, this organization has shown outstanding commitment to their local community and the social wellbeing of others.

Application Field Requirements

  • Organization's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiatives and Benefits to Local Community 
  • Organization's Participation in CSR Activities 
  • Samples of Media Coverage Received from CSR Efforts 

What the Judges are Looking For

  • Demonstrated Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiatives 
  • Demonstrated Benefits to Local Community  
  • Displayed Evidence of Substantial Efforts to Make a Difference 

Application Fees

Applicants will be charged $225 per entry for the #NAAGives Award. Applicants are required to pay online at the end of submission process, and by credit card only. 

Preview the #NAAGives Award application questions

Excellence in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

The National Apartment Association (NAA) is committed to promoting diversity, equity and inclusion in the rental housing industry. The Leading Organization in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Award recognizes companies that share NAA's commitment. The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Award honors NAA member companies that are champions in advancing diversity, equity and inclusiveness within their organization. This award seeks to raise awareness around the initiatives, policies and practices of organizations that embrace diversity, equity and inclusion across the rental housing industry. Applications may cover one, some, or all aspects of diversity including but not limited to: age, ability, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, race, and religion. The winning organization must be a member of NAA in good standing and will need to describe how their organization has committed to advancing diversity, equity and inclusion efforts and expanded opportunities for employees within their organization. Applicants will also need to demonstrate what the organization did to engage leadership to commit to this effort.

Application Field Requirements

  • Organizations Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Mission/Vision Statement
  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Training for Management and Leadership
  • Recruitment, Retention, and Promotion Rates for Diverse Demographics
  • Infrastructure of How Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Efforts Will Sustain
  • Specific Examples of the Organizations Commitment to Advancing Diversity
  • Samples of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Materials

What the Judges are Looking For

  • Demonstrated Measurable Achievements in Moving the Organization Toward Being a Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive Operation.
  • Demonstrated Emerging or Sustained Commitment to the Values of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Multiculturalism by Documented Efforts within their Company and/or the Community.
  • Displayed Evidence of Substantial Efforts to Promote a Business Environment that is Free from Bias and Discrimination.

Application Fees

Applicants will be charged $225 per entry for the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Award. Applicants are required to pay online at the end of submission process, and by credit card only. 

Preview the Leading Organization in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Award application questions

Excellence in Service & Commitment

NAA’s Supplier Company of the Year Award recognizes a supplier member that not only exemplifies excellence in their field but also demonstrates an extraordinary commitment to the rental housing industry. The winning supplier company must be a member of NAA in good standing.

Application Field Requirements

  • Description of Company's Service(s) and/or Product(s)
  • Examples of How the Company Exemplifies Excellence in their Field
  • Description of Company's Involvement with their Local Apartment Association(s) and/or NAA
  • Specific Examples of Company's Commitment and Support to the Rental Housing Industry
  • Awards and Recognition Received in the Last Five Years

What the Judges are Looking For

  • Demonstrated Involvement with Local Apartment Association and/or NAA
  • Demonstrated Commitment to the Rental Housing Industry
  • Displayed Evidence of Company Excellence via Awards and Recognition

Application Fees

Applicants will be charged $225 per entry for the Supplier Company of the Year Award. Applicants are required to pay online at the end of submission process, and by credit card only. 

Preview the Supplier Company of the Year Award application questions

Applicants will be charged $225 per entry for the Company Award categories. Please note, three finalists will be chosen in each award category, and the winner will be announced during the 2025 NAA Excellence Awards ceremony. 

**We recommend using the Google Chrome browser to submit your Excellence Award Application.