Hidden Costs of Traditional Locks & Keys

3 minute read

For property managers everywhere, ROI always rises to the top as a key performance indicator. After all, ensuring that every expenditure you make is profitable is paramount to success in any business. Traditional locks and keys may seem like the easiest, safest way to secure your multifamily property. But in the age of connected technologies, these relics can be costly and are gradually being replaced by a smarter, more efficient access solution. 

Keys Mean Hassle. At a multifamily property, managing keys is a major responsibility. Someone must always be available to handoff keys to new residents and collect them from former residents, not to mention offering replacement keys when they are lost. That goes for emergency access, too. If a pipe bursts or there’s an issue with HVAC in the middle of the night or on the weekend, keys need to be delivered to repair professionals.

They Cost Money. While not required, rekeying locks is recommended for safety reasons. Even though previous residents are required to hand over their keys, it doesn’t mean they haven’t made other copies. So, property managers must hire locksmiths during the Move-In/Move-Out (MIMO) process to rekey locks and ensure maximum security for new residents. 

Keys Offer Zero Visibility. There’s no way to track who is where in real-time when physical keys and mechanical locks are in use. And if keys are copied or lost, you really have no way of knowing who can be entering your property and when. 

They’re Even More of a Hassle During MIMOs. Apartment turnovers necessitate a lot of access by different people. Typically, cleaners, repair or maintenance professionals, painters, prospects who are touring and leasing agents all need access at different times. That’s a lot keys to distribute and keep track of!

The bottom line? Old-fashioned keys drain your business of time, money and peace of mind. That’s why the current budget season is an ideal time to finally join the keyless revolution. A modern access control solution like RemoteLock is a budget-worthy investment for so many reasons. 

  • Remote Management: Cloud-based solutions allow you to grant and revoke access to any space, from wherever you are. Your centralized dashboard is right there on your smartphone or laptop.
  • One System: Manage any and every door on your property with a combination of smart locks for residential doors and wired access hardware for main entrances, elevators and more.
  • Credential Choice: Choose what’s best for your and your residents—PINs, key cards or fobs, mobile or some combination.
  • Gain Visibility: See in real-time exactly who is entering your properties and where. 
  • Consider Centralizing: With access control in the cloud, you can centralize leasing or maintenance from a single office. 
  • Unlock More Revenue: Access control software and smart locks allows you to offer programs like home sharing for additional profit. 

With its inherent efficiencies, a cloud-based access control solution can be one of your savviest business moves. There’s the money saved from never rekeying a door again. You save time, as staff aren’t literally running door-to-door when there’s an emergency or tracking down keys. Instead, you and your employees have the freedom to create and revoke access from a single, powerful dashboard right from a smartphone or laptop. The keyless revolution is here. Now, you just need to join it.