Housing Policy Research
Driving Local Reforms with State Pro-Housing Programs

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The National Apartment Association (NAA) funded a study conducted by the Terner Center for Housing Innovation to identify and examine state-level programs that encourage cities to adopt policies that would facilitate increased housing development.
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Highlights from…
The Ripple Effect: Rent Regulation and Its Effects on Housing and Neighborhood Quality

By Leah Cuffy and David Chou | | Updated
New data reveals rent regulation cripples housing providers’ ability to properly maintain their properties, leading to a decline in housing and neighborhood quality.
As the discussion surrounding rent regulation gains momentum at local, state and federal levels, it’s more important than ever to…
Unveiling the Reality: Rental Housing Providers’ Insights on the Housing Choice Voucher Program

By David Chou and Leah Cuffy | | Updated
The National Apartment Association (NAA) recently conducted a survey of rental housing providers to discover their experiences with the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program, also known as “Section 8.” The HCV program is America's main form of rental assistance. Funded by the U.S. Department of…
Breaking Down One Dollar of Rent: 2023

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Monthly rent payments are more than just a transaction between a resident and a rental housing provider. It's a pivotal contribution to the American economy, community growth and the backbone of the rental housing industry. Rent payments directly support 17.5 million jobs. They also finance local…
Examining the Unintended Consequences of Rent Control Policies in Cities Across America

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From December 2022 to February 2023, the National Apartment Association (NAA) commissioned ndp | analytics to conduct interviews with housing providers and developers from three different markets impacted by rent control policies and proposals: St. Paul, Minn; Santa Ana/Santa Barbara; Calif; and…
U.S. Apartment Demand through 2035

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The National Apartment Association (NAA) and the National Multifamily Housing Council (NMHC) commissioned Hoyt Advisory Services and Eigen10 Advisors, LLC to conduct a study about apartment demand. The study estimates the number of apartment units that will be needed through 2035 at the…
Apartment Affordability by Percentage of Rent-to-Income

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During 2020, U.S renter households in professionally managed properties spent on average 27% of their income on rent. Understandably, there is a broad variation in the share of income renters spend on rent at the state level. Primarily, income levels and rental rates are key contributing factors to…
Modeling the Impacts of Rent Control

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Recent findings by the National Apartment Association (NAA) illustrate rent control’s potential and devastating effects on four major U.S. cities. NAA’s analysis shows that these policies decrease the housing supply, harm the condition of existing housing stock and lower property values, which…
Barriers to Apartment Construction Index

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July 2020 Update: In 2020, four cities were recast, mainly due to lack of geographical dispersion of responses in the 2019 survey. See individual market updates below for Boston, Chicago, Portland and Seattle.
Affordability is a complex issue and can be driven by diverse factors including income…
United States Needs 4.6 Million New Apartments By 2030 or It Will Face A Serious Shortage

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To meet growing demand, America needs to build at least 4.6 million new apartment homes at all price points by 2030. In addition, as many as 11.7 million older existing apartments could need renovation during the same period.
These projections come from a new study commissioned by the…