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Industry Insider

A weekly newsletter of noteworthy articles pertaining to our industry.

Pool Maintenance: Are You Ready for Summer?

By Paul Bergeron | | Updated

With spiking chlorine prices, maintenance teams must focus on pool water management. Add chlorine to the list of apartment maintenance products that has seen its price soar in the past year.Just in time for summer, prices for pool chemicals (specifically chlorine tablets) are approximately 50…

How to Rent in Retirement

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NAA’s President and CEO dives into renting in retirement in his latest Washington Post column.As with anything that requires due diligence and research, so too does searching for your next apartment home. Bob Pinnegar, President and CEO of the National Apartment Association, reviews what renters in…

NAA and NMHC Push Back on DOL Announcement Citing Supply Chain Disruption and Workforce Shortage Concerns

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Ninety-three organizations have asked the Department of Labor not to issue a new rule altering overtime regulations. NAA and NMHC joined 91 organizations on May 11 to request that the Department of Labor (DOL) abandon the issuance of new rule altering the overtime regulations under the Fair…

NAA and NMHC Respond to SEC’s Proposed Cybersecurity Risk Management and Disclosure Rule

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As federal policymakers sharpen their focus on cybersecurity, NAA and NMHC are working to ensure the apartment industry’s business operations are understood and accounted for in any proposed rules or legislation. According to U.S. intelligence, there has been significant increase in malicious…

Report Primer: Economic Contribution of IRC Section 1031 Like-Kind Exchanges to the US Economy

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Like-kind exchanges play a critical role in supporting multifamily housing and contributing to the U.S economy, and this primer provides a look at top-line findings of a soon-to-be-released NAA- and NMHC-sponsored study. Like-kind exchanges are a significant contributor to U.S. economic…

Making it Work: Managing Multifamily Construction in a Volatile Environment

By Denis Koval | | Updated

How to accurately bid and complete multifamily projects amid ongoing economic and labor challenges, and problem-solve along the way. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, construction spending amounted to $237.8 billion during the first two months of 2022, 10.4% above the $215.4 billion for the…

Streamlining the Rental Application Process

By Paul Willis | | Updated

By increasing the sophistication of resident screening methods, apartment operators are mitigating risk, providing better experiences for prospects and reducing the strain on hardworking associates.The practice of screening residents has been part of the apartment landscape for decades. But as tech…

White House Announces Plan to Increase Housing Supply

By Ben Harrold | | Updated

On May 16, the White House released the Biden-Harris Administration Housing Supply Action Plan which aims to ease the burden of housing costs over time by boosting the supply of quality housing in every community. The plan has two key pillars to increase housing supply: reduce restrictive land…

Build-to-Rent: Trend or Fad in Multifamily?

By Michael Miller | | Updated

Robust build-to-rent activity continues throughout the U.S.Build-to-rent (BTR)/build-for-rent (BFR) communities give residents another option when searching for their next home. The building activity has continued throughout the U.S., mainly in Sun Belt markets. Owners and operators have acquired…

The Great Resignation’s Impact on Multifamily’s Accounting and Finance Functions

By Mike Ballard | | Updated

No industry or job function has fully escaped the impact of the Great Resignation, and understanding the circumstances leading to the sharp increase in quit rates is the first step in formulating a game plan. In November, 4.5 million Americans quit their jobs, the highest number since the…