Learn More About NAA’s 2024 Federal Advocacy Priorities

Key legislative and regulatory priorities to stand strong for the rental housing industry.

By Nicole Upano |

2 minute read

View NAA's 2024 Federal Advocacy Priorities

The National Apartment Association (NAA) continues to make progress on its “Big Three” federal, legislative priorities in 2024: 

  • S. 32/HR. 4606, the Choice in Affordable Housing Act, sustainably improves housing provider participation in the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program voluntarily and increases affordable housing options for renters and their families. 

  • S. 3755/H.R. 802, the Respect State Housing Laws Act, eliminates the CARES Act’s federal, pre-eviction notice requirement for covered housing which continues to interfere with states’ eviction processes and increase financial risk for housing providers and renters alike. 

  • S. 1688/H.R. 3507, the Yes In My Backyard (YIMBY) Act, reduces barriers to development and encourages federal investment in the preservation and production of affordable housing.

At the same time, NAA continues its work to ensure rental housing providers are in the room for federal housing policy deliberations and positively impact those deliberations for the industry. During the 118th Congress, NAA engaged with policymakers on or actively tracked more than 50 federal bills and engaged with Biden administration officials across 8 agencies, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac on as many regulatory efforts or rulemaking activities in 2024. 

NAA serves as the voice of the industry in Washington, D.C. and represents housing providers as a wide-range of issues that could impact the ownership, management and development of rental housing are considered, including recent efforts to:

Learn more about all of NAA’s 2024 legislative and regulatory priorities here or contact Nicole Upano, NAA’s AVP of Housing Policy & Regulatory Affairs.