Legal Advocacy Program: Review Process

Application Review Process

Welcome to the National Apartment Association's Legal Advocacy Program (LAP) Application Review Process. Our commitment to a fair, thorough, and transparent review ensures that each application receives the attention it deserves. 

Here's a step-by-step guide to our process:

Upon receiving your application, our team will carefully review all submitted materials to ensure completeness and compliance with the specified requirements.

Once the initial review is complete, your application will be promptly forwarded to the Legal Advocacy Program Committee for in-depth consideration.

The LAP Committee will engage in comprehensive discussions to assess the merit, significance, and potential impact of your legal advocacy request. This phase allows for a collective evaluation of the issues presented.

Following the committee's deliberations, we will communicate the status of your application. Whether approved or declined, you will receive clear and constructive feedback on the decision.

For approved applications, the National Apartment Association may choose to file an amicus brief, providing a valuable opportunity to support your case by presenting additional insights or perspectives to the court.

In certain cases, approved applications may be eligible for direct funding from the National Apartment Association. This financial support aims to assist with the costs associated with addressing the legal issue at hand.

In some instances, the LAP may choose to intervene directly in the legal proceedings to ensure that the multifamily housing industry's interests are effectively represented.

For particularly critical cases, the National Apartment Association may engage in direct litigation, actively participating in legal actions to safeguard the industry and advocate for our members.

At every step of the process, our goal is to provide a supportive framework that empowers you to address legal challenges within the multifamily housing industry. We value your dedication to the industry's well-being and are committed to working collaboratively to achieve favorable outcomes. If you have any questions or require further information, please reach out to our Legal Advocacy Program team