Managing Your Grill Area: A Checklist

By Paul Rhodes |

1 minute read

Management Insider

With grilling season just around the corner, it's important to think about a preventive maintenance schedule for properties that offer community grills.

Among the items:

  • At least daily, open up the grill and verify that it is not lit or hot if not in use.
  • Periodically clean the inside of the grill. Charcoal grills require this effort more often than gas grills.
  • Depending on usage, completely clean the grates, baskets or racks. In many cases, this can be performed in a vacant apartment by running the items for a cycle in the dishwasher with detergent, using the heavy-duty pots and pans setting. Don't forget to remove any large, stuck-on food before placing it in the dishwasher.
  • If using a gas grill, consider replacing the briquettes or lava rock with generic heat plates. This will reduce the possibility of flare-ups and ease cleaning efforts.
  • Don't forget the area around the grill. Ensure that the area under the grill is flame-safe and that landscaping doesn't blow into the fire area.
  • Keep an eye on signage, trash can liners and supplies for the "pet potty" station to ensure good curb appeal. -Paul Rhodes, NAAEI