Millennials Are Buying Homes As Investments, Not Residences

1 minute read

Digested from “Millennials Investing in Rental Properties”
The New York Times (11/20/15) Prevost, Lisa

Millennials, often touted as being reluctant to become homeowners, are snapping up single-family homes. But they’re using them as investments, not residences.

Young adults are purchasing properties in less expensive markets as a more solid investment strategy than playing the stock market. However, many of these owners are often renting their own home to allow them flexibility in where they live or because they can't afford properties in their immediate area.

Such owners may own multiple properties across the country, requiring them to rely on a property-management service. Deciding whether or not to become a landlord is an important consideration for other millennials considering entering the real-estate investment game. Another option may be to purchase a multifamily home and rent the other units to cover the investment. 

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