NAA with a Coalition of 25 Other Organizations Submitted a Letter Urging Congress to Prioritize Protecting Data Privacy

NAA and 25 other organizations sent a joint letter to Congress urging their prioritization of protecting American's data privacy and support the passage of a federal data privacy law.

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July 11, 2023 

To The Members of the United States Congress: 

Since 2018, the rapidly growing landscape of state-level privacy laws has created a fragmented patchwork of rules and regulations that are confusing consumers, stifling innovation, and increasing red tape for America’s businesses.  Resources that would normally go toward creating jobs and improving products and services are instead being spent on compliance costs.  News stories and reports show the patchwork of state privacy laws is having a chilling effect on our economy.  

According to a study by the Information Technology & Innovation Foundation (ITIF), failing to pass a federal data privacy law will cost our economy more than $1 trillion over ten years, with $200 billion being paid by small businesses.  Thirteen states have passed comprehensive privacy laws, including eight states just this year.  This follows a growing trend.  Since 2018, 182 comprehensive privacy bills have been considered across 46 states.  Now is the time for Congress to act and pass a federal privacy law that protects Americans’ data no matter where they live and gives businesses certainty about their responsibilities. 

In a time of increased polarization in Washington, D.C., the passage of a federal data privacy law provides a clear opportunity for bipartisan cooperation in a divided Congress.  It’s also a winning issue with the American people.  Polls show 83% of all voters, including 86% of Democrats and 81% of Republicans, support the passage of a federal data privacy law.   

With an increasing number of states enacting their own data privacy laws, the need has never been more urgent.  To best protect all Americans’ data privacy and provide an environment for American businesses to continue innovating and creating jobs, we stand united in urging you to work together in the 118th Congress to pass a comprehensive federal data privacy bill that creates a uniform national standard, preempts state law, and ends the privacy patchwork.  


ACT | The App Association
Alliance for Automotive Innovation
American Escrow Association 
American Financial Services Association
BSA | The Software Alliance 
Business Roundtable 
Chamber of Progress 
Computer & Communications Industry Association 
Consumer Technology Association
Developers Alliance
Electronic Transactions Association
Entertainment Software Association
Information Technology Industry Council
Interactive Advertising Bureau
Marketplace Industry Association
National Apartment Association
National Business Coalition on E-Commerce and Privacy
National Electrical Manufacturers Association
National Multifamily Housing Council
Security Industry Association
Software & Information Industry Association
Technology Councils of North America
U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Download a PDF of this letter