NAA Committees: General Information

NAA committees are established to assist in the governance of NAA. They represent, involve, and serve members while providing a framework for educating future leaders of the association. They promote member participation in problem-solving and provide a forum for the many interests within the association, utilizing the experience, knowledge, and skills of our members. Each committee focuses on a single area, discusses relevant issues and may present action items to the Board of Directors. 

Standing Committees

Standing committees provide for regional representation through the appointment of members to the committee by the Region Vice Presidents. The standing committee's chair will act as a non-voting representative on the Board of Directors. The committee will be led by a chair and vice chair, hold meetings as directed by the committee chair, record minutes from said meetings, and have the ability to put forth a recommendation to the board to act on policy matters. Committee members are appointed by the Regional Vice Presidents and chosen from the names submitted by those interested in serving on a standing committee. 

  • Budget and Finance Committee
  • Governance Committee
  • Independent Rental Owners Committee
  • Legislative Committee
  • Membership Committee
  • NAA PAC Ambassadors
  • NAA PAC Board of Trustees 
  • Nominating Committee

Regular Committees

The committee will be led by a chair and vice chair, hold meetings as directed by the committee chair, record minutes from said meetings, and have the ability to put forth a recommendation to the board to act on policy matters. Those interested in serving on a committee should complete the NAA volunteer interest form.  Submitted names are then presented to the committee chair and vice chair, who in turn recommend a committee roster for approval by the NAA Chair.

  • Apartmentalize
  • Affordable Housing
  • Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee 
  • Global Outreach Committee
  • #NAA Gives Committee
  • NAA Next Gen Committee
  • Past Chairs Committee 
  • Operations Committee
  • Technology Committee

NAAEI Regular Committees

  • Residential Property management (RPM) Careers
  • Program Administration 
  • Curriculum Development


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