NAA Holds Inaugural Advocacy Academy

Hear more about the first-ever event for rising industry advocates.

By Seth Turner |

2 minute read

NAA congratulates 24 individuals representing 19 state and local affiliate partners for completing NAA’s inaugural Advocacy Academy! These individuals were among nearly 75 nominated by affiliate or NAA leaders to apply. In addition to attending RHALS (Rental Housing Advocacy & Legal Summit) sessions, they participated in more than 10 hours of training and interactive exercises, including one-on-one “meetings” that simulated the experience of meeting with Members of Congress and staff. The training covered topics such as the following. 

  • Effective strategies for building influential relationships with policymakers 
  • Information policymakers want constituents to provide 
  • Developing and leveraging legislator profiles to increase your influence with policymakers 
  • Building a local advocacy network and prioritizing your legislative agenda 
  • Crafting effective advocacy stories that will resonate with policymakers 

Several participants shared the following after the Academy’s conclusion:

“This was by far the best conference I have ever attended. The content and the knowledge I gained from this class will help me be more confident when speaking with legislators.” 

“I believe everyone who has interest in meeting with their local or national legislators should attend this class. It was extremely beneficial for all attendees."

Congratulations to NAA’s first Advocacy Academy Graduates! 

  • Amanda Lemley (Chattanooga Apartment Association) 
  • April Lehenbauer (Saint Louis Apartment Association) 
  • Caleb Barber (Washington Multi-Family Housing Association) 
  • Charles Schulman (Northern Ohio Apartment Association) 
  • Chip Ahlswede (Apartment Association of Orange County) 
  • Chris Woods (Apartment Association of Kansas City) 
  • Crystal Moya (Corpus Christi Apartment Association) 
  • Duy Vu (Detroit Metropolitan Apartment Association) 
  • Harriet Baldwin (Apartment Professionals Trade Society of New York) 
  • James Burwell (Mississippi Apartment Association) 
  • Jenifer Ansardi (Apartment Association of Greater New Orleans) 
  • Jim Ellis (Mobile Bay Area Apartment Association) 
  • John Modlin (Upper State Apartment Association) 
  • Kendra Butterfield (Arkansas Apartment Association) 
  • Lisa Delgado (Pennsylvania Apartment Association) 
  • Lisa Lynes (Nevada State Apartment Association) 
  • Margaret Maher (Arkansas Apartment Association) 
  • Mary Howell (Detroit Metropolitan Apartment Association) 
  • Meaghan Fenstermacher (Pennsylvania Apartment Association) 
  • Samantha Simpson (Triangle Apartment Association) 
  • Stephanie Victor (Chicagoland Apartment Association) 
  • Tali Reiner (Washington Multi-Family Housing Association) 
  • Tammy Longo (Virginia Apartment Management Association) 
  • Tess Vogler (Apartment Professionals Trade Society of New York)