In some high-profile examples, residents are beginning to object to smart home devices on privacy grounds. Find out how apartment operators are handling these challenges.Sandeep Aggarwal thought he was doing himself – and his residents – a favor.…
Even if a company can effectively sell investors, suppliers and associates on running a paperless community, challenges can pop up. Here’s how some experienced operators have dealt with four common issues.If you’re converting from paper to…
With costs and impediments rising, producing affordable housing is not easy. Most people refer to any housing developed for residents earning less than a certain percentage of Area Median Income (AMI) as “affordable” housing.AJ Jackson does not…
Market analysis married with machine-learned recommendations drives smart business decisions.The first thing Diana Norbury does every morning when she gets to her Seattle office is open Yardi’s Asset Intelligence program. The Senior Vice…
In our seventh installment of Profiles in Success, a series where NAA talks to successful apartment professionals to learn how they got to where they are, who inspired them and what their biggest challenge was, we visit with a Regional Director from…
Through social media, career fairs and poaching from other industries, student housing firms find badly needed onsite talent.When you ask Tana Lee Higginbotham, Senior Vice President Asset Management for Pierce Education Properties, about the top…
To improve retention, companies need to develop a career path and training programs, which includes mentors for their onsite professionals.Landmark Properties has undergone some major changes during the past decade.  The student housing…
The industry is caught in the middle of the act of social revolution.Okay, it may not be that dramatic, but stay with us.Owing to the nature of housing as a need, and the apartment industry’s nature as the most efficient and affordable way to…
Solar energy has potential, but there are hurdles.When affordable housing operators want to increase income, there are not many choices. “Affordable housing has very little capacity to raise rent,” Darien Crimmin, Vice President of WinnCo…
Operators are adopting different approaches to a burgeoning trend.The complaint that came into Holly McQueen’s office seemed odd at first. Someone was calling to gripe about a concierge at one of her communities not being able to find a key left at…