Individuals from different generations often have mutually beneficial perspectives on work and the world. However, these benefits can be impeded by unconscious biases toward members of other age groups that may negatively complicate workplace…
Snap judgments are easy to make, like categorizing individuals based on gender stereotypes, socio-economic status, educational level and other characteristics. These unconscious categorizations can be microaggressions. Defined by Oxford Languages as…
The negative emotions associated with being excluded in social settings can be difficult to resolve, but workplace exclusion can breed unforeseen consequences for your company. This makes inclusion an imperative initiative for a healthy work…
Events over recent years have dramatically raised the awareness of, and interest in, the topics of diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace. Many residential management company leaders are eager to improve understanding in their…
CPI, Latest Release, August 2022   Inflation ran higher than the consensus forecast, which called for a slight monthly decline in headline CPI and a 0.3% increase in core CPI. Instead, headline CPI rose 0.1%, despite the continued…
Everybody wants more affordable housing—these companies make it work.  The need for more affordable housing is a constant refrain in the rental housing industry. The remedies include build-to-rent communities, inclusionary zoning, up-zoning…
Open Door is the most rewarding cost-saving program in the apartment housing industry exclusively for NAA members.Open Door provides valuable insider access to volume-based discounts and favorable terms on products and services provided by…
The buzz: “pretty premiums,” three-dog maximums and ensuring garage sizes big enough for full-size pick-up trucks. The single-family home rental business has been around for years. Lately, it has been gaining momentum as institutional…
Off-campus housing — termed “purpose-built” — has become as varied as the students who attend, with seven favored features focused on health and wellness, cutting-edge technology, robust connectivity and being outdoors. As students returned to…