In our "Big Ideas for Owners with Small Portfolios" series, we share how successful IROs, such as Hains, Bryson and Ridgway, operate their properties. This is the final article in the series. Links to the rest of the series articles can be…
Allowing use of marijuana in any rental housing community, even as an “accommodation to a disability” would be inappropriate.Marijuana is a “Schedule I” drug under the federal Controlled Substances Act, which means that it “has no currently accepted…
Order the 2018 NAA Income & Expenses Survey (IES) The NAA Income & Expenses Survey is the most comprehensive look at the rental housing operations data available, allowing you to make the best budgeting and forecasting decisions for next…
Key Takeaways from the 2017 NAA Survey of Income & ExpensesThe inclusion of student housing information was a new addition to the 2017 NAA Survey of Operating Income and Expenses in Rental Apartment Communities (IES). Income and expenses data…
One New York-based owner explains how a smart home can provide a free amenity and an ancillary income opportunity.Burns Management is not the biggest apartment operator in the country. The Albany, N.Y.-based firm manages 2,400 apartments and owns…
Preventive maintenance plans are crucial to successfully managing a rental housing community. Precautionary maintenance plans are the most effective to address issues while they are quick and cheap to fix before they become major undertakings.…
They improve resident satisfaction.Residents develop loyalty to a community when maintenance teams respond to their requests in a friendly, thorough manner. Pleasant interactions between technicians and residents – whether it’s a nice chat while…
The highly anticipated tax reform recently signed into law by President Trump retained numerous key commercial real estate provisions.This consistency in tax law will enable investors to move forward with most of their existing investment…
To find the right provider, an Independent Rental Owner (IRO) has to do research and figure out how big they want their business to become.When he was a Regional Vice President at Lincoln Property Co., John Ridgway was accustomed to fixing any…
Whether apartment companies want to add technology to become more efficient or improve the resident experience, they should be aware of benefits and pitfalls.Scott Wesson, Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer at UDR, says apartment…