NAAPAC Insider January 2024: How Can You Help?

2 minute read

Key Takeaways

  • Help NAA map out our relationships with members of Congress by answering our new relationship survey. 
  • NAAPAC is planning a series of NAAPAC road shows in 2024.
  • NAAPAC will be announcing a new sweepstakes in the coming weeks. 

Access + Relationships = Influence: Take NAA’s Relationship Survey Today 

While political theater helps keep pundits employed, influence on Capitol Hill depends on the following two-variable equation.  Access + Relationships = Influence 

As we have highlighted before, NAAPAC contributions help improve NAA’s relationship with members of Congress and enable us to better educate lawmakers about our industry priorities. 

While it is sometimes fairly evident where we have good relationships on Capitol Hill based on NAAPAC's giving history, this is not nearly as straight forward when it comes to relationships with individual NAA members. NAA knows its advocates have influential connections to members of Congress, although we are certain that we only know about the tip of the relationship iceberg. That’s why the NAA has launched a new relationship survey to learn more about WHO our advocates know and HOW WELL

Please take the survey today and help NAA gain a more complete knowledge of the relationships NAA advocates have with their members of Congress. The survey should take approximately 3-5 minutes to complete, a time investment that will greatly enhance NAA’s ability to leverages its advocates’ relationships to influence policy decisions that are important to the industry. 

Should you have any questions, please contact Seth Turner.


NAAPAC's Holiday Sweepstakes Winner Results!

Congratulations to Susan Stroud, a Plano-based supplier from ALN Apartment Data and the 2024 NSC Chair, who won NAAPAC’s Holiday Sweepstakes in December. We are grateful to all our sweepstakes participants who helped NAAPAC finish 2023 on a strong note. Not to worry for all those who missed out on winning big. A new exciting Spring 2024 Sweepstakes will be announced in the coming days so stay tuned!  


NAAPAC's 2024 Road Show Schedule

NAAPAC is planning a robust series of road shows in 2024 that will involve local NAA affiliates and industry leaders. Many of these will feature a guest speaker and an inside look at work being done to address matters affecting our rental housing industry at all levels.  A preliminary list of areas for these road shows can be found here:

  • Albuquerque
  • Chicago
  • Dallas
  • Denver 
  • Indianapolis
  • Philadelphia
  • Richmond
  • San Antonio

If you are interested in working with your local affiliate to help organize a NAAPAC road show, please contact Rob Johnson.

Give to NAAPAC today!