NAAPAC Insider June 2024: What's Happening in Washington?

4 minute read

Key Takeaways

  • The House of Representatives is currently focused on passing the spending bills for the fiscal year 2025.
  • NAA is continuing to build support around legislation important to the rental housing industry.
  • NAA's Government Affairs activity around regulatory issues has sharply increased in 2024.

The House of Representatives is currently focused on passing the spending bills for the fiscal year 2025. Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.-4), who NAAPAC has long supported, recently survived a well-funded primary challenge and is leading the spending bill effort as the new Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee. As of now, six bills have been moved out of committee, and one has been passed. There are six more bills remaining to be addressed, with the goal of completing this process before the August recess.

The Republican majority on the House Appropriations Committee is aiming to reduce non-defense spending for 2025, potentially resulting in a 22 percent cut in funding for non-defense programs, excluding veterans' medical care, when adjusted for inflation and population growth since 2010. Rather than providing a one percent increase, Republicans are planning to fund 2025 non-defense appropriations bills six percent below the 2024 level.

House Appropriations Committee members are pushing to have all remaining appropriations bills through the subcommittee by June 28 and out of the Committee by July 10. The spending bill for the Departments of Transportation and Housing and Urban Development passed out of the subcommittee on June 27. Within the bill, Republicans included language consistent with The Respect State Housing Laws Act, one of NAA’s key priorities. However, the bill includes a 7.5 percent decrease in discretionary funding and cuts for HUD grant programs by 44 percent from current levels.

Republicans acknowledge that these appropriations bills serve as an initial point in negotiations, given the reality of a divided government with a Democratic-controlled Senate and White House. The funding level differences in proposed numbers will be reconciled through negotiations, but this is not expected to occur until after the election, as the Senate appropriations are not keeping pace with the House. Major legislative progress in the Senate has slowed in recent weeks following the conviction of former President Donald Trump. Eight Senate Republicans, led by Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) have vowed to oppose major legislation and block Biden nominees. The details surrounding a larger compromise Senate Housing bill are still being deliberated between Sens. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) and Tim Scott (R-S.C.). 

NAAPAC is continuing to rally support among lawmakers for its three major priority bills - S. 3755/H.R. 802, The Respect State Housing Laws Act, S. 1688/H.R. 3507, The Yes in My Backyard Act, and S. 32/H.R. 4606, The Choice in Affordable Housing Act. NAAPAC, an invaluable tool in NAA's advocacy toolbox, plays a key role in helping to educate members about these priorities. Recently, Sens. Tina Smith (D-Minn.) and Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) joined the Senate version of the YIMBY Act as cosponsors. Sens. Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) and Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) joined the Choice in Affordable Housing Act as cosponsors. Following the YIMBY Act’s successful advancement out of committee, NAA and housing organizations sent a letter to House leadership and Financial Services Committee members calling on the House of Representatives to bring the YIMBY Act up for a full floor vote. 

NAA’s Government Affairs team has remained extremely active on the regulatory front. NAA has submitted over 38 comment letters in 2024, of which 17 were directed to federal agencies, 3 to the White House, and 19 to Congress. NAA recently worked with industry partners to highlight concerns about HUD’s proposed criminal screening rule. In response to a grassroots advocacy effort launched by the NAA and its affiliates, more than 2,000 NAA members submitted industry comments on this subject.  

We would like to invite you to join the NAA's monthly Advocacy and Legal Webinar (ALW) series. This is an opportunity to learn more about the NAA's Government Affairs team and the work they are doing. During the webinar, NAA discusses its federal advocacy efforts, state and local trends from across the country, and provides the latest legal news that can help you stay compliant. If you're interested in attending the next ALW on July 17, please register using the link provided here.

If you have additional questions about how your NAAPAC is working to support our legislative champions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].



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