Stories of Success Without Degrees
headshot of man at tropicana properties

3 minute read

Thriving careers in the rental housing industry. 

In an era where a college degree often seems like the key to professional success, the apartment industry stands as a shining example of diversity, inclusion and boundless opportunities for career growth, all without the need for a traditional higher education. The National Apartment Association Education Institute (NAAEI) plays a crucial role in validating the knowledge and skills of individuals in the apartment industry, enhancing their credibility, boosting their confidence and earning respect from peers and clients nationwide. 

At Tropicana Properties, a property management company specializing in Low-Income Housing Tax Credits, with over 3,900 units in El Paso County, Texas, and 120 employees, success stories abound. Most of their Regional Managers and Maintenance professionals started at the bottom and worked their way up without holding college degrees. Here, we share the remarkable journeys of three individuals who transformed their lives and careers within this dynamic industry. 

Manny Acevedo, CAMT: Chief Maintenance Supervisor with CAMT Credential 

Manny’s journey began in Chicago, where he worked the night shift at a shipping warehouse. However, his family’s move to El Paso brought a turning point. He secured a labor job at Tropicana Homes and, with his strong work ethic, was encouraged to apply at Tropicana Properties. There, he quickly mastered the ins and outs of maintenance, including plumbing, electrical systems, appliance repairs and more. Manny is now the Chief Maintenance Supervisor, overseeing approximately $276 million worth of the company’s assets, all without a college degree, thanks in part to his CAMT credential. 

Danny Perea, NALP, HCCP: From Runner to Chief Operating Officer 

Danny Perea’s Tropicana Properties journey began as a runner, an entry-level position responsible for items such as delivering messages to running errands and other basic office duties, 16 years ago. Over the years, he worked his way through various positions in the company, including assistant manager, manager, leasing agent and tax credit compliance officer. Despite not having a college degree, he earned his NALP as well as the HCCP certification from the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). Today, Danny serves as the Chief Operating Officer, managing over 120 employees and approximately 3,700 units. 

Brianda Luna, CAM: From Pizza Place Employee to Regional Manager and Homeowner 

Brianda’s story is one of immense determination and personal growth. A single mother working a dead-end job at a pizza place, she saw an opportunity at Tropicana Properties, where she was a resident. Starting as an Assistant Manager, she quickly advanced to manage one of the company’s most challenging properties in El Paso, Texas. Through hard work, talent and dedication, she became the youngest Regional Manager overseeing over 660 units. Brianda, who is now a first-time homeowner, holds a CAM certification. 

All three earn twice as much as the median income level of El Paso County. 

These stories are a testament to the apartment industry’s potential for career growth and prosperity. While each of these individuals exhibited extraordinary drive and ambition, it was the training, credentials and mentorship within the industry that helped them unlock their full potential. 

Success in the apartment industry isn’t limited to those with college degrees. It’s a testament to the industry’s inclusive nature and the supportive community it fosters. Each person’s journey is a story of mentorship and influence from those who believed in their potential. 

NAAEI plays a pivotal role in facilitating this success, providing the necessary training and credentials to help individuals flourish in their careers without the need for a traditional degree. This institute empowers individuals to achieve remarkable career growth and income, making it a beacon of opportunity in the modern workforce. 

In a world where success is often equated with a diploma, these stories from Tropicana Properties prove that dedication, mentorship 
and industry-specific training can lead to thriving careers and financial success. The apartment industry, through the NAAEI, continues to be a place where dreams become reality, and where talent and hard work are the true currencies of success.