units November 2020
the Magazine of the National Apartment AssociationClosing Apartment Leases During COVID-19
Units MagazinesOperators strive to give prospective residents certainty during uncertain times.
In 2020, the basic task of helping prospective residents feel confident that they’re making the right choice—while committing to a 12-month lease or longer—suddenly got a lot harder.
“This is a…
In an over-saturated apartment market, prospective residents often have an abundance of choices within their desired neighborhood. That underscores the importance for leasing associates to develop a…
Altering your policies and procedures for weather preparation, events, leasing and staffing your offices to prepare for an uncertain winter.
Apartment management companies will soon face their first…
Joe Melton, Vice President of Marketing and Management Support Services for the Morgan Group, offers 10 considerations for operators now that so many residents are working from home. …
Renters in the Information Age operate very differently than they did even three years ago, and their behaviors continue to evolve.
Innovative multifamily marketers seek to customize and streamline…
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