We Want You: Key Contacts Program Enrolling Now!

2 minute read

You don’t have to be a lobbyist to make a difference when it comes to key legislation concerning the apartment housing industry.

Advocacy is about relationships, but it’s also about education. Not many people, including lawmakers, know about the issues that impact our industry. What you have to say about public policy matters to elected officials. As an industry insider, you have unique stories and expertise that put a human face on the issues. You are uniquely capable to remind federal and state legislators that their votes on legislation affect the lives of real people back home.

NAA’s new Key Contact identification and mobilization survey is custom designed to uncover your network with decision makers. Get started on the short survey by clicking the start button!

NAA Advocacy365 Key Contacts have multiple engagement opportunities, based on your level of comfort:

  • Meet with elected officials
  • Participate via Action Alerts for state and federal legislation
  • Engage in social media advocacy efforts
  • Attend local events with your elected officials
  • Host elected officials to your facility
  • Write to Congress and state legislators via Action Alerts
  • Provide testimonials

Stand up for your business, your employees and the industry. You have the power to make the difference. With NAA’s new tools such as the Advocacy365: Key Contacts program, we truly can harness the voice of an industry. Contact Peter Fromknecht, Manager of Grassroots Advocacy, for additional information.