NAA Offers Litigation Defender Insurance

1 minute read

The National Apartment Association (NAA) is pleased to announce that Litigation Defender insurance is now available to NAA Click & Lease customers at no cost.

This means NAA will pay the entire premium for the Litigation Defender coverage, which will be triggered whenever a plaintiff challenges a provision of the NAA Click & Lease or the related lease forms.

For years, NAA has built the finest residential lease platform in the country, growing our list of attorney lease advisors who, with NAA’s own staff, monitor case law and legislative changes by each state legislature. Each year, the new requirements are incorporated into NAA’s lease package and related forms. No other vendor of lease forms has the kind of bench strength as NAA Click & Lease.

Interested in learning more? Call 833-86-MYNAA, email [email protected] or visit NAA Click & Lease.