Primary Residence is an in-depth look at housing policy and its critical importance for voters in Democratic primary states, in the lead up to the 2020 Presidential election. In this edition, we speak with Tommy Herbert, Manager of Government…
As of December 2019, the national unemployment rate was 3.5 percent, the lowest level since 1969, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. But unfortunately, low unemployment and continued industry growth have conspired to make recruitment a big…
NAA and NMHC submitted comments to HUD today outlining suggested improvements to the Section 8 rental assistance program that would increase market-rate property owner participation, thereby creating more housing opportunities for low-income renters…
By the end of 2019, the apartment labor market delivered a strong performance. Demand for apartments reached record levels during the year, with secondary markets Denver, Austin, San Antonio, and Raleigh in the lead with the highest demand for…
Are you struggling with how to best show up as an ally to diverse groups in the rental-housing industry?  As Maya Angelou said, “Do the best you can until you know better.  Then when you know better, do better.”  Join Marci French…
Four strategies property managers are using as leasing pickups.Many companies are rolling out marketing and advertising campaigns using a wide variety of strategic approaches. Here are four that impressed us for their creativity and…
Despite advances in technology, the human component remains key to getting out a company's message."If a staff member doesn't pick up phone calls, respond to emails and texts, or is not hospitable when someone is in front of them, [whatever] amount…
There were over 11,000 apartment job postings in February, making up 39.7 percent of the broader real estate sector. The highest concentration of job postings were in Jacksonville, Austin, Kansas City, Houston and San Antonio. February's…
Gen Zers don't want luxury amenities like millennials did.According to Multi-Housing News, students are more interested in affordable living spaces close to campus with amenities that will help them succeed, rather than distract them. They tend to…
After a slow start in early voting contests, former Vice President Joe Biden has returned to the national stage in a big way. Amassing more than 850 delegates from major victories during Super Tuesday and subsequent state primaries, Biden has…