Legal Advocacy Program: Application Requirements

Thank you for your interest in the National Apartment Association's Legal Advocacy Program. To ensure a thorough and comprehensive review of your application, please adhere to the following requirements: 

Provide a concise summary outlining the details of your legal advocacy request. Clearly articulate the issue at hand, the parties involved, and the desired outcome.

Include all relevant documents supporting your case. This may encompass legal notices, correspondence, contracts, or any other pertinent materials that strengthen your application.

Detail the specific legal issues you are facing within the multifamily housing industry. Clearly identify the challenges, implications, and the broader significance of the matter.

Outline the current status of the legal proceedings related to your case. Specify any key milestones, court dates, or developments that are essential for understanding the context of your request.

Describe the potential impact of the legal issue on the multifamily housing industry. Illustrate how resolving this matter will contribute to the overall well-being and sustainability of the industry.

Articulate the financial implications of the legal challenge and provide an overview of the resources required to address it. Clearly state the financial need for which you are seeking support.

Specify the staff resources required to navigate and address the legal issue. This may include legal expertise, time commitments, or any other personnel-related considerations.

If applicable, disclose any previous applications submitted to the Legal Advocacy Program. Provide insights into the outcomes and how the current request differs or builds upon previous submissions.

Highlight any contributions or efforts your organization has made towards resolving the legal issue independently. This information helps us understand the collaborative efforts in place.

If there are additional elements or considerations that you believe are crucial for a comprehensive evaluation of your application, please include them under this section.

We appreciate your commitment to advancing the multifamily housing industry and look forward to carefully reviewing your application. If you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact our Legal Advocacy Program team.