Loving Animals, But Holding Residents Accountable

1 minute read

The apartment housing industry loves animals and many of us have our own. Our owners and operators also understand that disabled persons sometimes require the assistance of animals for emotional support. However, some residents may use fee-for-service websites to get a doctor’s note to avoid paying pet fees.

When the Virginia Apartment Management Association (VAMA) learned this was becoming a problem, they worked with state lawmakers on legislation that recognizes the role animals for disabled persons can play, but also offers guidelines for residents.

NAA asked Michael Belka, Chief Operating Officer of the Harbor Group Management Company, to share his thoughts on participating in this advocacy effort. His main takeaway to us: “I got involved not thinking I could make an impact. I found I have a voice.”

In case you missed it at the Education Conference & Exposition, watch the video to learn how VAMA made a difference. Lawmakers at the local, state and federal levels make decisions every day that impact the apartment industry – and your voice is important. You have a story to tell, and we’re here to help.

Contact NAA Government Affairs to learn about you can become an advocate for issues affecting the industry.