Operations Insights

A monthly newsletter for professionals involved in onsite apartment operations and maintenance, with insights on trends, best practices, services and ideas for you to consider during day-to-day operations.

Rent Growth Continues 2023 Slide

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Rent growth continues to slow to rates not typically seen at this time of the year. The national rent index for the duration of January declined 0.3%, according to the latest Apartment List National Rent Report. This is the fifth consecutive month of month-to-month declines.“This month’s price dip…

NAA Update on the Biden Administration's "Renters Bill of Rights"

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On January 24, 2022, the National Apartment Association (NAA) participated in a White House call previewing the Administration’s blueprint for advancing a “Renters Bill of Rights,” an explicit campaign promise from President Biden. This call followed months of engagement between NAA and the White…

Renters Insurance Premiums Constant

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Only about half of renters have residents insurance. The 2022 Renter’s Insurance Industry Report from SafeHome.org reports 55% of residents have renters insurance and of those insured, 75% of residents are required to have coverage.The report found the average renters insurance policy was $211 per…

Single-Family Rent Growth Slows

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Single-family rent has declined for seven straight months. The latest Single-Family Rent Index from CoreLogic shows year-over-year (YoY) rent growth in November 2022 at 7.5%. All four pricing tiers measured saw a decline as well.Year-over-year changes across the four tiers—lower-priced, lower-…

U.S. DOE Hosting Better Buildings Webinars, Summit

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The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is hosting its “Better Buildings Webinar Series,” which features conversations with experts on best practices, cost-effective strategies and new ways to approach sustainability and energy performance. View the details and registration for the webinars,…

Organizing and Leveraging Data to Create Actionable Reporting

By Darcey Leach | | Updated

How data is governed, leveraged and implemented can help companies set up meaningful portfolio-wide KPIs and best practices. During the 2022 Apartmentalize session, “Organizing and Leveraging Leasing Data to Create Actionable Reporting,” industry experts shared their successes, failures and…

What You Don’t Know About Data Can Hurt You

By Kevin Juhasz | | Updated

Data is a valuable tool for making business decisions, but without business intelligence (BI) to provide reliable, timely data, it’s impossible for an organization to nail down the best direction to move. It’s that lack of trust in the data that is driving the need for more advanced BI tools.“Data…

Sun Belt Markets Among Best for New Apartments

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The number of new apartments opened in the past 10 years was analyzed by RentCafe based on unit size, occupancy rate and neighborhood quality. Many of the top 50 cities to find a new apartment were in the Sun Belt—Texas had 12 cities in the top 50, while Florida had seven.Boca Raton, Fla., was the…

2022's Rental Housing Trends

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While rent growth cooled during 2022, it’s still slightly above what was seen prior to the pandemic. This is one trend reviewed by Apartment List in its 2022 Rental Rewind. The analysis tracked three national trends, three regional trends and three outlooks for 2023.Rent growth, as of November 2022…

Rents See Largest Decline in 7 Years

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Asking rents are down 0.4% from October to November, resulting in the largest monthly decline in the seven-year history of Zillow’s Observed Rent Index. While November is historically the slowest month recorded in the index, declines had not reached 0.1% during this time of the year pre-pandemic.…