Operations Insights

A monthly newsletter for professionals involved in onsite apartment operations and maintenance, with insights on trends, best practices, services and ideas for you to consider during day-to-day operations.

Why Your Apartment Website Isn’t Ranking Higher on Google

By Ashley Tyndall | | Updated

Are you frustrated because your multifamily website doesn't appear on page one of search results when you search for your apartment community's name? You're not alone.Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most important aspects of any multifamily website, but it can be hard to understand…

Once a Lead, Always a Lead:

By Andrew Ruhland | | Updated

Service providers in any industry know the secret to repeat business is rooted in how they treat their customers. Regardless of the product or service, customers expect a top-tier experience throughout their entire purchasing cycle, from the initial search to post-purchase and all the interactions…

Transit-Oriented Affordable Housing Breaks Ground Near Los Angeles

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More than 700 attainable and affordable rental housing units are coming north of Los Angeles. Calabasas, Calif.-based real estate firm Alliant Strategic Development (ASD) broke ground on four transit-oriented multifamily communities that will add 727 attainable and affordable rental housing units…

Hoarding Disorder: Situations and Solutions for Property Managers

By James Campbell | | Updated

Hoarding disorder is protected under the Fair Housing Act, so property managers must approach each situation differently, while keeping residents’ safety top of mind. The National Apartment Association (NAA) presented the webinar “Hoarding Disorder: Situations and Solutions for Property Managers.”…

Office Vacancy Up, Apartment Conversions A Result

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The national vacancy rate for office buildings in the U.S. hit a nearly 30-year high in the third quarter of 2022. According to a recent report from CBRE, the vacancy rate reached 17.1%. This extra space has led developers, investors, architects and others in the real estate arena to rethink how…

An EV in Every Garage

By Paul Bergeron | | Updated

Electric vehicles (EVs) and chargers are seeing a steady influx in apartment communities nationwide. The type and number of such stations can be a riddle as they gauge current and future demand for what has become a prime amenity in some locations.MEB Development’s Bella Victoria community in Mesa…

NAA Releases Second Episode of The Apartmentcast

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The NAA Apartmentcast, the official podcast of the National Apartment Association, has released its second episode, which features a sit down with NAA VP of Research Paula Munger for a conversation centered on apartment market trends, the labor market, inflation, demographics, housing affordability…

Apartment Management Once Again Proving Recession-Proof

By Paul Bergeron | | Updated

Headlines about significant job layoffs are appearing almost daily as the country moves into 2023 with “recession” on many minds.Workforce reductions have mostly been in the technology industry, but lately, they are showing up elsewhere. But not in apartment management.Apartment management…

NAA Update on HUD's Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing

By Cedric Watkins | | Updated

On January 19, 2023, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in the Federal Register that aims to bolster the mechanisms that allow the agency to enforce the Fair Housing Act’s longstanding requirement to “affirmatively further…

White House Renters Bill of Rights’ Principles & Agency Actions

By Ben Harrold | | Updated

On January 25, the White House announced a number of actions to advance President Biden’s housing agenda, which are intended to protect renters and promote rental affordability. Key actions include: Unveiling “Blueprint for a Renters Bill of Rights,” which lays out five principles that President…