Diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) are at the forefront of conversation and company initiatives. While some companies championed DE&I early on, others continue to struggle with getting started, risking reduced employee engagement and…
Mental wellbeing is a topic that encompasses all people and environments from the workplace to your community to the grocery store. Gaining a proper understanding of the key principles, dynamics and challenges of diversity, equity, inclusion and…
Through a highly engaging, forward-thinking program, leaders will understand how the practice of DEI empowers leaders to build & cultivate consciously inclusive & equitable cultures through renewed mindset, attitude, behaviors, & action…
The NAA Apartmentcast, the official podcast of the National Apartment Association, recently sat down with NAA Director of Advocacy Research Leah Cuffy to review the breakdown of $1 of rent, examining all the expenses that comprise the total cost of…
Organizations understand the importance of DE&I, but some do not know how an internal and organizational strategy can help them attract and retain employees. Learn how to design, execute and measure a DE&I strategy that will empower and…
Acknowledging the need and appointing a principal are only the start of your organizations’ diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) journey. The work that it takes to develop a culture that embraces inclusion and belonging goes beyond the window…
As we continue to have a national discussion on diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I), it is important that we empathize with those impacted by longstanding harmful policies. In order to make true change, we must focus on creating meaningful…
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) affects the retention and recruitment of employees and bottom-line performance in the rental housing industry. These issues have taken on even greater significance as employee turnover continues to increase and…